Courageous Advocacy & Charity
Courageous Advocacy & Charity
Our school community stands together to support all of those who need our love embodying our school vision.
“Feed my lambs….take care of my sheep.” John: 21
We are a community where everyone is included. A place of nurture where through creative learning, acceptance and celebration we are all able to flourish. Our inclusive school encourages children to be curious, passionate, ambitious and courageous. Everyone at St Mary of Charity is determined to be confident in who they are, aspire to realise their full potential and support each other through respect, honesty and forgiveness. Guided by Jesus we are accepting of the wonderful diversity within our community and have hope that our children will continue to advocate for and celebrate the unique needs of all throughout our wider world.
What is a courageous advocate?
A courageous advocate is somebody who champions a cause which is special and meaningful to them.
At St Mary of Charity Primary School, we have a strong emphasis on encouraging our pupils to become courageous advocates, not just locally but nationally and globally.
At some point in life, we will all face challenges and need support to help us overcome these barriers. We teach our children that it is important to help others when we can, no matter who they are, where they come from or what challenges they may face. We teach this through the teachings of the Bible and learning about other courageous advocates. Our Christian values and carefully planned for opportunities in our curriculum and worship, ensure that the children regularly discuss and debate the big issues, to challenge injustice and to engage in activities that can bring about change are always present.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fair; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Proverbs 31:8-9
It is important for our children to appreciate their role as part of a community; to take responsibility, to look after themselves and to foster an understanding of their importance, impact and influence in the world.
We support a range of charities in our local area, nationally and globally. The school council, worship leaders and student leadership team work with staff, governors, parents, pupils and St Mary of Charity Church to identify worthy causes to support.
In recent years, we have carried out a range of different fund raising to support many good causes, some of which include:
- Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance
- Children in Need
- Faversham Foodbank
- Young Minds
- Age UK
- Comic Relief
- Royal British Legion
Our children have an excellent grasp on the meaning of belonging to a local and global community and the sense of belonging that comes with belonging, thereby developing their ability to empathise and make sacrifices to benefit others. Together, we consider the fragility and beauty of our environment, the actions we take, and the impact these actions may have on the wellbeing of everyone. Our school community and curriculum actively embraces a responsibility for the world in which we live. We are keen to show our connection with and care for the world in which we all live and care for the people who live in it.
We have recently raised the following:
- Yellow Day – £148.39 by wearing yellow and taking part in well-being activities to raise awareness of mental health
- Children in Need – £203.49 by wearing our most spotty, fun outfits for the day.
- Poppy Appeal – £416
- Sponsored walk – £3,343.40 – raising money for the air ambulance after one of our pupils had a cardiac arrest on the school playground and was saved due to the swift response of emergency services.
- Local Animal shelter - £177.45 - children organised and held a bake sale after hearing that a local charity needed some funds to by animal food.
Year 5 Bake sale for our local Animal shelter

Art exhibition to celebrate Remembrance Day and raise money for the British Legion
At the start of our sponsored walk for the Air Ambulance
Dressed up for Children In Need
Harlow's Hair donation to The Little Princess Trust
Harlow made the decision to cut her long hair shorter and donate it to The Little Princess Trust. The Little Princess Trust provides free real hair wigs to children and young people, up to 24 years, who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions.
We are extremely proud of Harlow, she will also be doing some fundraising for LPT as well as having donated her hair and we will keep you up to date with how much she has raised. We love it when our children show passion for a charity and demonstrate a real impact to improve the lives of others. Well done Harlow.
Edmund - Marshall for Faversham 10km
Edmund decided to donate his time by being a Marshall for Faversham 10km in September. He helped for two hours directing runners to the right part of the race and also gave high fives and congratulated them as they went round. He has volunteered for Junior park run too on several occasions even cheering on and supporting runners when he has felt a bit under the weather himself. We are delighted by this commitment to the local community.