Glossary of Terms
Glossary of SEND Acronyms and Abbreviations
ADD | attention deficit disorder | MARAG | multi agency referral action group |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | MLD | moderate learning difficulty |
AS | Asperger syndrome | ODD | oppositional defiant disorder |
ASC | autistic spectrum condition | OT | occupational therapist |
ASD | autistic spectrum disorder | PDA | pathological demand avoidance |
BESD | behavioural, emotional and social difficulties | PEP | personal education plan (for looked after children) |
CAF | common assessment framework | PLP | Personal learning plan |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services | PMLD | profound and multiple learning difficulties |
CIN | Child in Need | PP | pupil premium |
CoP | Code of Practice | PSHE | personal, social and health education |
CP | child protection | RAD | reactive attachment disorder |
CYP | children and young people | RAISEonline | Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School Self Evaluation |
DDA | Disability discrimination act | SALT | speech and language therapy |
EAL | English as an additional language | SDQ | strengths and difficulties questionnaire |
EHCP | education health care plan | SEAL | social and emotional aspects of learning |
EP | educational psychologist | SEND | special educational needs and disabilities |
EYFS | Early years Foundation Stage | SENCo | special educational needs coordinator |
EWO | educational welfare officer | SLCN | speech, language and communication needs |
FAS | Fetal Alcohol syndrome | SLD | severe learning difficulty |
FASD | Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders | SLT | school leadership team |
FSM | free school meals | SM | selective mutism (formerly known as elective mutism) |
GLD | Global learning delay | SpLD | specific learning difficulty |
HI | hearing impaired | SPDs | sensory processing disorders |
HLTA | higher level teaching assistant | START | Statutory Assessment Resources Team |
IEP | individual education plan (at Thorndown we use PLP) | TA | Teaching assistant / teacher assessment |
IRP | independent review panel | TAC | team around the child |
LAC | looked after children | TAF | team around the family (when CAF is about whole family) |
LARM | locality allocation and review meeting | TFF | Together for Families |
LDD | learning difficulties and disabilities | VI | visually impaired |
LO | local offer | ||
LSCB | local safeguarding children board |