Pupil Premium
At St Mary of Charity, one of our core values is aspiration which applies to all of our children, no matter their starting point. We believe that no child should be left behind and are determined to ensure that all of our children are given every chance to reach their full potential.
Pupil Premium funding, along with allocations made from the school's own budget will help ensure this money is spent to maximum effect in order to fulfil this goal.
In 2011/2012 the Government launched the Pupil Premium funding allocation to schools.
The Pupil Premium is funding in addition to the schools budget and is based on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) and all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last six years, Looked After Children (LAC) and for those children whose parents are currently in the Armed Forces.
The goal is that we are “consistently improving the outcomes, especially for disadvantaged pupils.” (Ofsted)
The DfE have stated that schools have the freedom to decide how to use this funding as they see fit based upon their knowledge of individual pupils needs and that all pupils are taught to a good standard.
“Schools, headteachers and teachers will decide how to use the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils.” Source: DfE website
The Senior Leadership Team, Governors, and all members of the teaching staff monitor the attainment and progress of children very carefully. ALL children's progress is discussed at termly pupil progress meetings and where additional support is deemed necessary; Pupil Premium funding is frequently used to increase the opportunities that we are able to offer.
Funding is predominantly targeted at the improvement in attainment and progress in English and Maths as well as pupil well-being, but St Mary of Charity Primary School recognises the need to provide a varied and stimulating curriculum and enrichment activities to maximise learning potential.
Our teachers are accountable for pupils' attainment, progress and outcomes. (Teacher Standards). We have embedded a robust monitoring system based on termly tracking, classroom based monitoring and pupil progress meetings to ensure that all pupils achieve at least expected progress. Pupils identified as not making expected progress are rapidly identified and strategies put in place to address under performance.
We have high expectations of our teachers and provide them with a good programme of professional development opportunities to constantly improve their practice.
Where it is identified that a class/group is achieving well then a percentage of children are identified as a focus group for above expected progress, with an emphasis on Pupil Premium. The school has focused on developing teachers' skills in assessment and methods of teaching that effectively meet the needs of groups and individuals for next step learning.
The pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools to close the learning gap between children who are disadvantaged and their peers. This means children who are eligible for free school meals, or have been in the past, receive additional funding to help support their learning in school.
If you have read the report below and feel that it does not address your child's particular needs, please make an appointment to see a member of the school leadership team.