The 'SMC Curriculum' is key to us achieving our whole school vision. We strive for successful, determined, imaginative learners and our unique curriculum is planned and delivered with our vision and values at its core. Our Curriculum intent is as follows:
Curriculum Intent
At St Mary of Charity Primary School, our unique Curriculum is built upon our school Christian Values of Faith, Respect, Honesty, Forgiveness, Aspiration, Determination and Team Work. It celebrates Faversham Town, which the school sits at the heart of.
Through a well sequenced and planned journey of knowledge and skills, the children will become Critical Thinkers, good Communicators, show Curiosity, have the confidence to Challenge and will give back to the Community in which they belong.
The curriculum will provide the children with the opportunity to explore diversity and celebrates differences within our school community and beyond. Broad learning experiences both inside and outside of school will underpin this.
The children will become responsible citizens, who reflect our school Christian Values. They will have a thirst for learning and will drive their own future success.
Faversham Community links
We have strong community links throughout Faversham town. We aim to use these links to promote learning and to provide children with a sound knowledge of their local area. Some of the specific links in our curriculum are:
* St Mary of Charity Church
* Queen Elizabeth Grammar School
* Faversham Creek
* Brogdale Farm,
* Faversham Town Centre
* Fleur de Lis museum
* Police museum
* Faversham train station (transport links),
* Faversham Swimming pool
* Faversham Recreational ground
* Faversham Tennis Centre
* Jubilee Gymnastics Centre
* Physic garden
* Faversham hop festival (brewery)
* Faversham Gunpowder mill
* Faversham Library,
* Creek creative- art gallery
Curriculum Overview including experiences