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St Mary of Charity

Primary School



PE Intent


At St Mary of Charity Primary School, our Physical Education curriculum aims to inspire all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Physical Education will provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in leading healthy and active lives.


Opportunities to compete in sport and other opportunities to participate in physical activity will be offered to all children in order to build character and help to embed our school values such as ‘respect’ and ‘determination’, as well as the core value of ‘fairness’.


Through our links with the local community in Faversham, St Mary of Charity Primary School offers a wide range of opportunities to use local sports facilities and the expertise of trained sports coaches. Physical Education will help to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing confidence and competence in a range of physical activities. We aim to improve health and well-being, promote active participation, and for each child to fulfil their potential.


Our ambition is that all children will leave St Mary of Charity Primary School with a lifelong love for sport and physical activity.


PE Implementation


To achieve our intent, we have carefully planned and implemented a comprehensive PE curriculum that is broad, balanced, and caters to the needs and interests of all our pupils. Our PE provision follows the requirements set out in the National Curriculum, while also incorporating additional opportunities for enrichment and extra-curricular activities, utilising the facilities we have in our local area as well as the talents of local experts and sports coaches.


  1. Curriculum Design: Our curriculum is designed to provide a progressive development of skills and concepts across a range of physical activities, including gymnastics, dance, athletics, invasion games, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, yoga and swimming. We ensure that our PE lessons are well-sequenced, building on prior learning and enabling pupils to transfer knowledge and skills to different contexts.
  2. Engaging Lessons: We deliver engaging and challenging PE lessons that capture the interest and enthusiasm of our pupils. Our lessons are carefully planned to include a variety of learning experiences, such as individual, paired, and group work, as well as opportunities for creative and independent thinking. We incorporate a range of teaching strategies, including direct instruction, guided discovery, and co-operative learning, to cater to different learning styles and abilities.
  3. Inclusive Approach: We strive to ensure that all our pupils feel included and valued in our PE provision. We differentiate our teaching to provide appropriate challenges and support for all learners, including those with special educational needs or disabilities. We promote a positive and inclusive ethos, where every child is encouraged to participate and enjoy physical activities in a safe and supportive environment.
  4. Assessment and Feedback: We use a range of formative and summative assessment strategies to monitor pupils' progress in PE. These include teacher observation, peer assessment, self-assessment, and individual feedback on performance. We provide regular constructive feedback to pupils, highlighting their achievements and suggesting areas for improvement. We involve pupils in setting personal targets and support them in reflecting on their own progress and development.
  5. Extra-Curricular Provision: We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities related to PE and sports. These include lunchtime and after-school clubs, interschool competitions, and sports festivals. We actively encourage all our pupils to participate and excel beyond the classroom, fostering a sense of teamwork, competition, and personal achievement.

PE Long Term Plan

At St Mary of Charity Primary School, we are very lucky to have some high class sporting facilities on our doorstep. Our PE curriculum ensures we make the most of these varied opportunities, giving children the chance to develop skills in a variety of sports. We have close links with the following facilities: