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St Mary of Charity Primary School home page

St Mary of Charity

Primary School

Newsletters - Dates for the Diary

Dates for Term 6:

Monday 3rd June - Term 6 starts

Week Beginning 3 - 7th June  - Multiplication check for Year 4 pupils

Week Beginning 3 - 7th June - KS1 SATs tests for Year 2 pupils

Week Beginning 10th - 14th June - Phonics screening check for Year 1 pupils

Wednesday 12th June - Year 2 trip to London Aquarium

Thursday 13th June - 5pm Year 5 11+ talk, 6pm New Year R meet and greet.

Friday 21st June - PTFA summer fair, 2.30pm - 4.30pm.

Monday 24th June - Kooth Transition assembly for Year 6.

Tuesday 25th June - Year 3 trip to Dover Castle

Wednesday 26th June - Choir at Aquila 10 year Birthday celebration

Friday 28th June - Sports Day, 1pm - 3pm

Monday 1st July - Year 5 trip to Rochester Cathedral

Wednesday 3rd July - Prevent assembly, KS2

Thursday 4th July - Whole school transition 1/3. QE transition for Year 6.

Thursday 11th July - Whole school transition 2/3.

Friday 12th July - Reports to parents

Tuesday 16th July - Year 6 Performance, 5pm

Wednesday 17th July - Karen Greaves Author visit.

Thursday 18th July - Whole school transition 3/3 + Year 6 prom/disco

Tuesday 23rd July - 9am Leavers service, last day of term 6, 2pm finish.